Our Family Blog
Monday, 26 February 2007
We finally got wheels!!
Yes we have made the decision to purchase ourselves a set of wheels... not just any wheels mind you we have gone with the all inclusive Mamas and Papas Pliko Pramette.  
This fine machine allows the baby to lie flat, it can then transform into a pushchair and we can even clip in a car seat... I must say that I do need to practice my driving but as one does not need a licence for these mean wheels I’m sure I will soon acquire the required skills to keep this beast on the sidewalk (pavement).
We have also completed the purchase of our cot.  It fits perfectly into our space, it can also eventually be transformed into a toddler bed and then into a sofa... and it was on sale!!  So all boxes ticked!! (note that in the first few weeks the cot will be alongside the bed that is why one of the side rails is missing.)
I am very relieved to have these two pieces sorted.
So now I think we are pretty much ready for baby to arrive - I mean as ready as one can possibly be for a complete life transformation!!